



Название: Biodiversity
Дата внесения в систему: 2007
Проекция: Lambert Azimuthal
Тип данных: Vector (point)
Масштаб/ разрешение:
Покрываемая территория: Russian Federation
Источник данных: IIASA, The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria); RAS, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Federation)
Ссылка: The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). 2002. Land Resources of Russia. Available at: http://www.iiasa.ac.at/Research/FOR/russia_cd/download.htm
Период сбора данных: 2001
Краткое описание: Biodiversity refers to the variety and the variability of genes, species, populations, and ecosystems.The natural ecosystems of forests, grasslands, pastures and rangelands, deserts, tundras, rivers, lakes, and seas contain most of the Earth's biodiversity. A database containing latitude and longitude coordinates was used to create a point coverage, to which the biodiversity database was then linked.
Поля атрибутивной таблицы:
Название Описание
STATUS Type of protected area
NAME Name of protected areas
ESTDATE Establishment date
LON Longitude
LAT Latitude
PLANTS Number of vascular plant species
AMPHIB Number of amphibian species
REPTILES Number of reptile spcies
BIRDS Number of bird species, fixed on a protected area
NESTING Number of nesting bird species
MAMMALS Number of mammals
BIO_AREA Area of protected area (ha)
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